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Alexander-Technique Munich

Back -/ Joint Problems

Back and joint problems usually result from the way we move around in everyday life. The Alexander Technique rebalances us in these movements.

Most adults in the western industrialized countries suffer from some form of back or joint problems. Back and joint problems are in most cases the result of the way in which we move in everyday life. The Alexander Technique balances for us these movements anew.
Back and joint problems are one of the main application fields of the Alexander Technique and its high efficiency is scientifically proved here on a high scale.

A clinical study of English universities Southampton and Bristol from 2008 impressively attests the high and persistent effect of the Alexander Technique for back pain (published in The British Medical Journal).

Nearly 600 people with chronic back pain, who were treated with either conventional or standard methods or who took Alexander Technique lessons, participated in this study. In average, after 6 Alexander Technique lessons, the pain days were reduced from 21 to 11 per month. After 24 Alexander Technique lessons, only 3 days with pains per month were registered. In addition, the high sustainability of positive effects could be attested for a year after the study.

Alexander Technique in the Equilibrium Studio