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Alexander-Technique Munich

Alexander Technique Munich

I would like to welcome you to my website Alexander Technique Munich - Maxvorstadt.
The Alexander Technique helps to achieve more ease and balance in everyday life and work.

I look forward to supporting you in this.

Rainer Lehrhuber

What is the Alexander Technique?

  • The Alexander Technique is a practical method for improving the mental and physical coordination. The Alexander Technique helps to more ease and balance in posture and movement and to improved breathing. It encourages self-awareness and selfcontrol in the activities of everyday life.
  • It is a method of the conscious way of life that is not primarily concerned with what we do, but how we do something.
  • It shows ways to let go of unnecessary muscular tension and to move in everyday life in a way that reduces the pressure on the spine, bones, joints and internal organs.

Who benefits from the Alexander Technique?

  • People with stress problems often look for an Alexander Technique teacher. The particularly high efficacy of the Alexander Technique for back pain has been scientifically proven.
  • Musicians, actors, dancers, athletes and other people who rely on their bodies to “work” at a high level. The Alexander Technique supports these groups of people to produce a maximum of movement quality with a minimum of effort.
  • People who are interested in transformation and personal growth while preferring a physical approach.

What happens during the lessons?

  • As a rule, the Alexander Technique lessons take place in individual sessions.
  • The principles of the Alexander Technique are trained based on everyday activities such as lie, sit down, sit, stand up, stand, walk or reach for an object.
  • The teacher supports and guides the student verbally and with his hands. The teacher gently points out where to release excess tension and how to coordinate the body so that it works better as a unit.

Alexander Technique Teacher and Studio?

  • Rainer Lehrhuber is a teacher of the Alexander Technique. He was trained under the guidelines of the ATVD (Alexander Technique Association of Germany).
  • He would like to invite people who come to him to deal consciously with their body in a light, relaxed way and without pressure.
  • The Equilibrium Studio offers a peaceful and spacious setting for the Alexander Technique lessons. It is situated at the junction of the two Munich districts Maxvorstadt and Neuhausen.

Alexander Technique in the Equilibrium Studio